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Charters, Private Schools & Co-Ops
In the 21st century, there are an abundance of educational options. GAPro products provide quality curriculums that are easily adaptable to group settings. Groups of 10 or more can have the curriculum delivered through Canvas in their own "Canvas Course." This allows students to be in the same class, collaborate on message boards and be supervised by designated teachers/adults. This allows organizations to manage the learning and growth of their students, while not having the burden of researching and planning curriculum. This works for self-paced, flex and LIVE class options. With groups of 12 or more, special group sessions can be arranged around your time and curriculum needs. With advanced noticed, curriculums can also be modified to meet a specific set of standards.
Multiple states provide funds to homeschool and charter school students. GAPro is willing and able to take purchase orders along with accepting state provided vouchers. Contact Michael Grether (mgrether@gapro.me) to discuss the best process for placing the order.
Official Vendors
GAPro has been approved as a vendor at the following schools. If your school is not listed, GAPro is willing to complete the vendor application process. Contact Michael Grether (mgrether@gapro.me) to discuss how GAPro can serve your group.
iLead Exploration (Hybrid, Lancaster, SCVI, Agua Dulce in CA)
All purchases must be initiated through your educational coordinator. ​
Family Partnership Charter School (Anchorage, AK)
We are currently in the process of constructing this page. Please check back soon.