Quality Curriculums. Freedom for Families
Fast Facts: Self-Paced
Self-Paced courses are built with freedom in mind. GAPro provides the online material in a structured format through the Canvas Learning Management system. All core material is included, from the readings and videos, to the graded tests and parent grading guides. Parents have the freedom to make the curriculum their own: determining their own pace, curating the curriculum, to best meet their student's needs.
When can I sign up? Self-Paced courses have an open enrollment. Families can enroll any time of year. Once the course is purchased, the "behind the scenes" enrollment process will send (a) a welcome e-mail with pacing guides, answer keys, and guidance on approaching the courses (b) an invitation to the Canvas course to create the account. Once the account is created, students are free to begin!
How Long do I have Access? Each course provides 365 days of access, with extensions available for qualifying "life circumstances." All curriculums can be completed comfortably in 180 academic days. The "clock" begins once the student the content (families can purchase at one point in time and begin at another).
How is the curriculum provided? Each course consists of readings, videos, writings, and activities. All work is delivered 100% online through the learning management system called Canvas. Canvas is used by major universities and large school systems. Students will be provided a username and password. Once they sign in, all the curriculum is ready and available. No research or preparation required from parents. Just sign up, sign in, and go!
How is work graded/assessed? Parents grade their student's work using the provided pacing guide. Parents have the freedom of the format that best fits their family: (a) completing work in a notebook the parent checks (b) completing work in a google document or folder the student shares with the parent (c) students orally discuss the material with the parent to prove mastery.
Who would benefit from the Self-Paced classes? Every homeschooling family is unique and the self-paced courses are able to support families in their unique circumstances: Unschooling families can sign a student up to go through at their own pace. Students with special academic needs can have the assessment formats adjusted to their accommodations. Families with competitive athletes or musicians who demanding practice schedules benefit from a curriculum that can be completed on the student's time table, whenever there is time available.
What is the recommended GAPro Course Progression? Yes, there is course progression coming soon. GAPro is expanding the courses being offered, and will be posting a recommended progression soon.
Is there a Demo? Yes, here is the link to the Demo. This gives you the experience of working in Canvas and a sample of how the lessons are accessed by the students.
What if we get the course and it is not right for us? The most important factor is that students are in the right learning environment for them. GAPro offers a 30 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. If you wish to change to a different course, the money will be applied to that course. If you wish to exit the course completely, the money will be refunded.

Course Description: World History is the first step in the GAPro suite of social studies courses. In World History, students follow the evolution of humanity from the beginning of time to the today. The content is taught thematically, with less focus on the "names and dates," and more upon the important trends, patterns, and impactful events that have shaped humanity across time and space. Each unit addresses the important developments with a specified era, examining the events and themes transpiring on each continent. Then, the units examine key people, events, art, literature, and architecture that exemplify the unit's themes. In the process, the course will look at the progression of lost voices in the historical narrative: indigenous nations, women, LBGTQIA+, societal minorities, and daily life in the "average person." By the end of the course, students will have a solid intellectual framework of the world and will be ready to approach courses that aim for greater depth and complexity.
Act 1 - Beginning of Time through 1492:​ Act 1 explores the development of the human story - starting with the origins of humanity through the start of European exploration. During this time period, humans lived in distinct and disconnected regions. The course follows the development of these regions, with specific emphasis on: East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Americas, and Oceania. Act 1 concludes with the increased interaction between Regions until the initiation of globalization in the 1400s. Lessons in Act 1 specifically focuses on the development of key historical skills: reading non-fiction, note taking, vocabulary, critical thinking, categorization, constructing historical arguments with evidence.
​Act 2 - 1500 through Present: Act 2 explores the story of human globalization. Students will analyze the forces that have interconnected the world economically, culturally, and politically to create the modern 21st century world. Topics will include: The Age of Exploration/Colonization, Industrialization, Enlightenment, Decolonization and the Fight for Independence, Civil Rights Movements, World War 1 & 2, Cold War, the Women's Rights Movement, the Fall & Rise of China and more! Students will build upon the skills they established in Act 1 to complete more complex research and writing activities. ​
Course Syllabus:​
*Note: While it is recommended that students take Act 1 before Act 2, it is not required. Students who feel confident in their pre-1500 CE knowledge can begin here.
Credits: 1/2 Credit for each Act (1 Credit in total). Each act will take ~60-80 hours of work to complete, which will vary based on the student's reading speed.
Time to Complete: This will depend on the family's weekly structure:​
(A) 3 Days per week = 1 Act per 32-35 week school year​
(B) 5 Days per week = 1 Act per 16-18 week semester. Using 5 days per week, Act 1 & Act 2 can be completed in one academic year.​​​​
Who Should Take This Course? : World History is a survey course that is aimed at a strong 7th grade through 9th grade student.
- Skills Students will need to begin: 7th-8th grade reading level. Ability to read 3-5 pages of non-fiction text. The ability to write 2-3 sentence+ responses.​
- *Note: While World History is inte​nded for a "beginning formal history" student, it can very easily be adapted to a "higher level" by requiring students to provide more complex answers or by adding a time period text.
Materials: All lessons (readings, videos, activities) are delivered online and are provided with the course.​
Required Technology: A device with internet access. Laptop is preferred, but tablets work with the course as well. Either a 3 subject notebook or Google Drive for recording work.​
Only Act 1 (1 year access): $65​
Only Act 2 (1 year access): $65
Bundled Act 1 & 2 (2 year access): $120
**2nd Child Discount: If you have two children taking the course or if you have had another child previously take a GAPro course, contact GAPro in the message chat and ask about our 2nd child discount.
Purchase Options:​
World History: Act 1 & Act 2

Honors Human Geography
Formerly "Modern Global Studies."
Course Description: Human Geography leads students through a critical analysis of the human experience to understand how the world works today: Where do people live in the world? How does the quality of life differ from place to place? Where does your next meal come from? How does your food get from farms to your table? How are women treated around the world? Why are cities set up the way they are?​ How did we get ~190 countries?
This course will gives students new lenses by which to view the world, through its 8 units: The Tools of Geography, Economic Development & Gender, Population & Migration, Culture, Political Institutions, Agricultural Systems, Industrialization, Urbanization. -
Credits: 1 Honors Credit. This course will take ~150-160 hours of work to complete, which will vary based on the student's reading speed.
Time to Complete: Working 4-5 days per week, students ​can complete the course in one academic year.
AP® Test Option: Honors Human Geography is built upon the curriculum of AP Human Geography. AP® Exams are standardized tests that allow students the opportunity to earn college credit. While not a requirement of the course, Mr. Grether has prepared over 500 students for the AP® Human Geography exam. Mr. Grether has served as a AP® Human Geography grader. By completing this course, students will have the foundation to be ready for the AP Human Geography Exam. In the course, there are optional AP Preparation activities, that allow students to learn the skills needed for the timed Free Response Questions (FRQs).​ Parents must use the College Board website or contact their local public schools for information about registering and taking the test. (Note: A passing score is not guaranteed).​​​​​
Who Should Take This Course? : Honors Human Geography is built for students who are transitioning to being "college ready." This course is ideal for students just before taking their first community college or university courses.
- Skills Students will need to begin: 9th-10th grade reading level. The ability to read 10-15 pages of non-fiction text. The ability to write 1-3 pages.​
- Skills Students will Gain from the Course: Advanced non-fiction reading, beginner to intermediate research skills, data gathering and analysis, map analyzing skills,
Materials: All lessons (readings, videos, activities) are delivered online and are provided with the course.​
Required Technology: A device with internet access. Laptop is preferred, but tablets work with the course as well. Either a 3 subject notebook or Google Drive for recording work.​
Cost: Human Geography (1 year access) $85
Purchase Options:​

Course Description: American History. Is the story of the USA one of a City on a Hill, a Bastion of Democracy to the World, and the Champion of Industrialized Capitalism? Or is it the Global Empire built on stolen land and corporate corruption, using the tools of slavery, oppression, and genocide?
The answer is yes...and no. Well, maybe... it's complicated.
GAPro's American History is a social history that steps into the tension of this complexity. The course highlights the truly remarkable things that have happened in the USA and also the story lines that lurk in the shadows. From the heights of industrial ingenuity, phenomenal wealth, space travel, and the internet... to the depths of eugenics, redlining, Tulsa Riots, internment camps, and indigenous genocide. American History will take students on a truly unique and unforgettable historical journey that continues to shape and impact the modern world. In the process students will develop college-ready skill sets to prepare them for the "next level" of education or careers.
Particular attention is paid to amplify the "Lost Voices" that have been muted - the triumphs and tragedies of the Indigenous Nations, the long struggle of Black People in America, the painful journey of Women, the waves of immigrants arriving onto America's shores to start a new life (Irish, Italian, Chinese, Scandinavian, Latin America, Vietnamese, Japanese, amongst others), and the fight of the LBGTQ community to emerge "from the closet." -
Credits: 1 Honors Credit. This course will take ~150-160 hours of work to complete, which will vary based on the student's reading speed.
Time to Complete: Working 4-5 days per week, students ​can complete the course in one academic year. ​​​​​
Who Should Take This Course? : American History is a good "middle" class. The class provides a greater focus and depth then World History, as the course only focuses on one central country instead of the whole world. There are more personal stories and primary source documents, while introducing more official/formal research.
- Skills Students will need to begin: 11-12th grade reading level (the American YAWP is a 1210-1400 Lexile Score). Ability to read 8-10 pages of non-fiction text. Most activities will require multiple sentences in response. There will be longer assignments that will be multiple pages. ​
- Skills Students will Gain from the Course: Advanced non-fiction reading, beginner to intermediate research skills, data gathering and analysis, map analyzing skills,
Materials: There will be two books utilized for this course. Both area available digitally and through print. All other lessons are delivered online through the course Learning Management System (LMS).​ ​​​
Required Technology: A device with internet access. Laptop is preferred, but tablets work with the course as well. Either a 3 subject notebook or Google Drive for recording work.​
Required Books:
​American YAWP. Cost of Digital Book: Free. (Printed Copy available on Amazon)
"400 Souls" - Edited by Ibram Kendi. (The audio book is AMAZING, with each chapter read by the different authors)
Only Act 1 (1 year access): $45
Only Act 2 (1 year access): $45
Bundled Act 1 & 2 (2 year access): $120
**2nd Child Discount: If you have two children taking the course or if you have had another child previously take a GAPro course, contact GAPro in the message chat and ask about our 2nd child discount.
Purchase Options:​