Holocaust & Genocide
Course Description: **NOTE: This class is very mature in its content. We will address the issues of Genocide in its full form, stepping into the details of policies along with the brutal treatment of the people.**
Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. The 20th Century oversaw some of the most horrific events in human history, with over 600 events that can be classified as a significant human rights violation (depending on the definition used), hundreds of millions of lives were lost. This course will explore the historical evolution of organized mass murder (the term genocide was coined in the 1940s, so many source materials are classified differently in their time). Then, students will take an indepth look at the specific events of the Holocaust within the context of WWII.
The History of Antisemitism ​
The History of Racism North & South America: From the birth of the ideas of race, through colonization, the enlightenment, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, US Slave Laws
The First Genocides of the 20th Century - Armenian & Namibian.
The Eugenics Movement & US Immigration
Rise of the Nazis
The Final Solution & WWII
An Overview of Genocides Post 1945
Credits: .5 Credit. This course will take ~60-80 hours of work to complete, which will vary based on the student's reading speed.​​​​​​
Who Should Take This Course? : Holocaust and Genocide is for moderate-to-strong readers. Also, the topics that are addressed are heavy/difficult emotionally, as the course addresses the worst actions taken in human history against other human beings. While the course will not be purposefully gory, the course will not shy away from difficult situations.
- Skills Students will need to begin: 8th-10th grade reading level. The ability to write 3-5 paragraphs.​ The ability to conduct introductory research.
Materials: All lessons (readings, videos, activities) are delivered online and are provided with the course.​
Required Technology: A device with internet access. Laptop is preferred, but tablets work with the course as well. Either a 3 subject notebook or Google Drive for recording work.​
Video List: These videos can be Rented or Purchased (More may be added)
Downfall (Der Untergang)​
Night & Fog
Purchase Options:​ Currently only LIVE