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  • Age & Group Size 
    • Age: 14+
    • Skills needed to start the course:  7th-9th grade reading level. Ability to read 3-5 pages of non-fiction text. The ability to write 2-3 sentence+ responses.​
    • Group Size: 15-20 students.
  • Term & Time
    • Term: Spring Semester 
    • Date Range: 16 Weeks - The week of Jan 8 - Week of May 20
    • Live Session: Thursday 3:30-4:30 pm EST via Zoom 
      • NOTE - Recorded Sessions: All LIVE sessions are recorded and posted for students in case they miss a class session or would like to review.
    • Work Time: 4-5 hours (Time will vary based upon reading speed) 
    • PDF Schedule: Coming Soon
  • Instructor: Michael Grether
  • Required Curriculum Materials: All curriculum materials (readings, videos, activities, etc) will be delivered digitally through the Canvas course. There are no other required purchases.
    • Optional Reading Enrichment List: Coming Soon.
  • Credits: 1/2 Credit (~60-80 Work Hours)
  • Grading
    • Who: All work will be graded by the instructor.
    • Type of Work:  
    • How it will be submitted: Students will submit their work through Canvas. Students may choose to complete their work on Google Drive and then submit the "Share" link.
    • How the work will be graded:  There will be three types of assignments - Daily Course Work, Unit Tests, End of Unit Activities. Daily work will be assessed as "complete" if it met the requirements or "incomplete" with any necessary feedback before the student resubmits. Unit Tests are automatically graded by the system. Unit Activities come at the end of the Unit, with the intention of demonstrating mastery of content and skill. These Unit Activities will have rubrics and be graded with the purpose of deeper/more intentional feedback. Unit Activities are intended to be saved/collected for portfolios for College Applicaiton or any state requirements.  
  • Parent Role: The parents role is to (a) make sure the student has continued internet access (b) provide encouragement during the week for the student's to be completing work (c)  communicate with the instructor with any relevant information  - such as illness, injury, or other prolonged absences. 




World History is the first step in the GAPro suite of social studies courses. In World History, students follow the evolution of humanity from the beginning of time to the today. The content is taught thematically, with less focus on the "names and dates," and more upon the important trends, patterns, and impactful events that have shaped humanity across time and space. Each unit addresses the important developments with a specified era, examining the events and themes transpiring on each continent. Then, the units examine key people, events, art, literature, and architecture that exemplify the unit's themes. In the process, the course will look at the progression of lost voices in the historical narrative: indigenous nations, women, LBGTQIA+, societal minorities, and daily life in the "average person."  By the end of the course, students will have a solid intellectual framework of the world and will be ready to approach courses that aim for greater depth and complexity.

  • Act 1 - Beginning of Time through 1492:​ Act 1 explores the development of the human story - starting with the origins of humanity through the start of European exploration. During this time period, humans lived in distinct and disconnected regions. The course follows the development of these regions, with specific emphasis on: East Asia, South Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Americas, and Oceania. Act 1 concludes with the increased interaction between Regions until the initiation of globalization in the 1400s. Lessons in Act 1 specifically focuses on the development of key historical skills: reading non-fiction, note taking, vocabulary, critical thinking, categorization, constructing historical arguments with evidence.

23-24 LIVE: Honors World History - Act 2 (Th, 3:30-4:30 PM EST)

$300.00 Regular Price
$250.00Sale Price
    • Cancellations BEFORE the start of class or during the first week: 100% Refund​

    • If the class is cancelled by GAPro (not meeting the minimum registrants or outside causes):  100% Refund 

    • If cancellations happen between weeks 2-4: 75% Refund

    • After Week 4: No refund for cancellations unless for a qualifying "life event."

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